Daily Blessings

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wow I feel so update. A blog spot. There are seven of us. First there is my husband, Kevin then theres me Shannon. We have been married for eight years and have four boys. Rayne is our oldest( from my 1st marriage) at 12. He thinks he is an adult and has forgotten how his ears work. Next we have Cole, 6, he's a very demanding child. He has already been through anger managment at school. That was a very interesting phone call from the school. Gage is 4 and Kevin calls him action adventure boy. As I am sure that many moms of boys know, HEB shopping bags DO NOT work as parachutes! Head wounds bleed ALOT. Then we have our baby Jake. He is 9mo old and was ready to come meet everyone early at 5 wks premature. He has kept up his early pace and is already climbing, crawling, standing, crusing, and if its out hes in it. Well nice to meet ya'll. ~ Shannon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the Jake photo! Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogs!

coles birthday

coles birthday
happy birthday